    <p>One more attribute the modern typographer must have: the capacity for taking great pains with seemingly unimportant detail. To him, one typographical point must be as important as one inch, and he must harden his heart against the accusation of being
        too fussy.</p>
    <footer>— Hans P. Schmoller, in ‘Book Design Today’, <span class="cite-and-pubdate"><cite>Printing Review</cite>, 1951</span></footer>
    <p>One more attribute the modern typographer must have: the capacity for taking great pains with seemingly unimportant detail. To him, one typographical point must be as important as one inch, and he must harden his heart against the accusation of being too fussy.</p>
    <footer>— Hans P. Schmoller, in ‘Book Design Today’, <span class="cite-and-pubdate"><cite>Printing Review</cite>, 1951</span></footer>
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